The Gifts of Food Bloggers

Snickerdoodles (Photo credit: Mike Chaput-Branson)

To celebrate the holiday season, and the Twelve Days of Christmas as it were, I’d like to raise a glass of premium Belgian ale — Chimay to be sure — to a number of food bloggers whose work I admire. Each of the following blogs inspires me, prods me, and awes me. Each day feels like Christmas, because of the gifts these bloggers  give me and other readers.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Anissa’s Blog, by Anissa Helou, a food writer, teacher of cuisine, and expert on Middle Eastern cookery.

Betumi Blog, by Fran Osseo-Asare, about Ghanaian food. Step-by-step photos of recipes from Africa, most unfamiliar to people in the West.

Diana Buja’s Blog, by Diana Buja, an exhilarating portrayal of East African food and food history, as well as political and cultural history in general.

History of Greek Food, by Mariana Kavroulaki, a feast of Greek food and culture, replete with stunning photos and art.

Hush Puppy Nation, by Rick McDaniel, a blog devoted to the history of  Southern cooking, with old recipes, comments about cookbooks, and just plain oozing with love for the cuisine of his female forebearers.

JellyPress, written by Laura Schenone (author of the delicious and profound The Lost Raviolis Recipes of Hoboken) and Nancy Gail Ring (a gifted artist), covers food in art, antique recipes, and commentary about food in modern life and how it relates to the past.

Mae’s Food Blog, by Mae, provides witty and pointed commentary on a multitude of food issues.

Restauranting Through History, by Jan Whitaker, reveals the large and small details about restaurants and their tumultuous history.  Great vintage illustrations.

Months of Edible Celebrations, by Louise, constantly surprises with its depth and range of culinary ephemera, wisdom, and compassion.

The Old Foodie, written by the prodigious and prolific Janet Clarkson, filled with old recipes, sharp and humorous comments, and stories about food in the “old” days.

Organically Cooked, by Maria Verivaki, who lives in Crete and documents her family’s daily food and cooking activities, with lovely writing and gorgeous photos.

Rachel Laudan: A Historian’s take on Food and Food Politics, written by prize-winning historian Rachel Laudan, whose posts always stimulate questions and urge readers forth to contemplate other points of view, to diss the historical status quo, as it were.

© 2009 C. Bertelsen

8 thoughts on “The Gifts of Food Bloggers

  1. While I love your blog, I couldn’t keep up. I was saving your postings for a rainy day that didn’t come. I will resolve to be a better follower and you will see me poking around your previous entries.

    Thanks Cynthia.

  2. Hahaha, what a coincidence Cynthia!!
    And I thank you so much for adding me to your wonderful list. I’m honored to be in the company of favorite sites and new blogs that I look forward to browsing through them.
    Salut, and thanks again!

  3. I’m humbled to be in the presence of such wonderful food bloggers, Cynthia. Thank you so much for including me.

    I’m with Mae, it’s high time I list a few of my faves too!!!

    I can’t wait to go explore the new discoveries. They all sound so inviting.

    Cheers, Cindy and thanks again…

  4. Thank you so much for including my blog in your list. This is an inspiring idea, too–I’ll have to imitate you and make a list of some of my own favorites. Thank you!

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