Paris at War, a Review

This year, Santa Claus brought me a most unusual book, David Drake’s Paris at War, 1939-1944. In 2008, David Drake wandered through what he calls a “controversial exhibition of colour photographs staged in the library devoted to the history of the city” of Paris, the Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris, 22, rue Malher. … More Paris at War, a Review

Clio, the Muse of History: Why History is Important

As a writer, I find inspiration in so many places. Gossip whispered at parties, current newspaper reportage, anecdotes revealed by family members over a few mugs of coffee, the odd remark overheard in a doctor’s waiting room or in an elevator, and on and on. History, however, provides me with more than enough material to … More Clio, the Muse of History: Why History is Important

The Ancient Story Behind Veterans’/Armistice Day, or, The Significance of St. Martin of Tours

“On the morning of November 11 I [Colonel Thomas Gowenlock] sat in my dugout in Le Gros Faux, which was again our division headquarters, talking to our Chief of Staff, Colonel John Greely, and Lieutenant Colonel Paul Peabody, our G-1. A signal corps officer entered and handed us the following message: Official Radio from Paris – … More The Ancient Story Behind Veterans’/Armistice Day, or, The Significance of St. Martin of Tours